Sunday, February 20, 2011


So I haven't posted since Wednesday but I had a lot to do before my family got here Friday afternoon. My mom came up from El Paso on a long 11 hour drive and my dad brought my brother up so he could spend time with us too. As well as the family dog and my cat, so there was quiet an apartment full this weekend! But it was great to be surrounded by the ones you love and love you back. We didn't do a whole lot of going out. Friday my mom came up to work and we ate there then I had to work a little. My brother got here about 730 so we went and rented movies and picked up some pizza and sat down as a family. It was really nice since that hasn't happened in a long time with my mom being stationed so far out. Saturday I made Eclairs for a friends party and brought my mom and little brother. They were worried because most of the people were going to be mid twenties but they fit in well and seemed to have a lot of fun. Plus as an added bonus my Eclairs were a HIT! Both of which made me really happy. Now we are just relaxing, they are starting to pack up, I have to finish my journal before heading to work, then movie night back at the neighbors. It was a great weekend too short when you spend it with family but I'm glad I got to! Definitely what I needed after the last month I had and all the happenings in that.
Just eight more days until my birthday and I'm getting more and more excited as I count them down. And another bonus! I have been talking to an old friend from middle school who I've remained friends with through the years and with his family, and the end of March I'm hopefully! flying out to Virginia to spend the weekend there! And I fly into Baltimore so hopefully Friday morning I can swing by Charm City Cakes and meet those wonderful people and maybe talk about an internship! I'm probably going to order a small cake too if I can pull it off.
I know you're probably wondering where the recipes are for American Regional but I don't have them but when I get them, you'll get them.

"The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together." ~Erma Bombeck

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